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Control de Chat

Ninon Colneric has extensively analysed the plans and concludes in a legal assessment that the EU legislative plans on chat control are not in line with the case law of the European Court of Justice and violate the fundamental rights of all EU citizens to respect for privacy, to data protection and to freedom of expression.

On this basis the lawsuit was filed. On 11 May the EU Commission made a second legislative proposal, in which the EU Commission obliges all providers of chat, messaging and e-mail services to deploy this mass surveillance technology in the absence of any suspicion.

However, a representative survey conducted in March clearly shows that a majority of Europeans oppose the use of chat control Detailed poll results here. The actors involved in the European Parliament: Rapporteur and shadow rapporteurs. Click here for further arguments against messaging and chat control.

Click here to find out what you can do to stop messaging and chat control. Do you fear that this law would cause massive damage to fundamental rights and is the wrong approach?

When the draft law on chat control was first presented in May , the EU Commission promoted the controversial plan with various arguments. In the following, various claims are questioned and debunked:. To speak exclusively of depictions of child sexual abuse in the context of chat control is misleading.

To be sure, child sexual exploitation material CSEM is often footage of sexual violence against minors child sexual abuse material, CSAM.

However, an international working group of child protection institutions points out that criminal material also includes recordings of sexual acts or of sexual organs of minors in which no violence is used or no other person is involved. Recordings made or shared without the knowledge of the minor are also covered.

In this context, recordings of children up to 14 years of age and adolescents up to 18 years of age are equally punishable. There are many misleading claims circulating about how to quantify the extent of sexually exploitative images of minors CSEM.

The figure the EU Commission uses to defend its plans comes from the U. nongovernmental organization NCMEC National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and includes duplicates because CSEM is shared multiple times and often not deleted.

Excluding duplicates, 22 million unique recordings remain of the 85 million reported. And copies of just six videos were responsible for more than half of the child-exploitative content.

Rather, they describe how often Facebook discovers copies of footage it already knows about. That, too, is relevant. Not all unique recordings reported to NCMEC show violence against children. The 85 million depictions reported by NCMEC also include consensual sexting, for example.

The number of depictions of abuse reported to NCMEC in was 1. Moreover, even on Facebook, where chat control has long been used voluntarily, the numbers for the dissemination of abusive material continue to rise. Chat control is thus not a solution.

That the voluntary chat control algorithms of large U. providers have reported more CSEM does not indicate how the amount of CSEM has evolved overall.

The very configuration of the algorithms has a large impact on the number of SARs. Moreover, the increase shows that the circulation of CSEM cannot be controlled by means of chat control. Incidentally, European law enforcement agencies such as Europol and BKA knowingly do not report abusive material to storage services for removal, so the amount of material stored here cannot decrease.

The report was made by a cloud storage provider, not a communications service provider. If you want to catch the perpetrators of online crimes related to child abuse material, you should use so-called honeypots and other methods that do not require monitoring the communications of the entire population.

Hosting service providers filehosters, clouds and social media providers will be allowed to continue scanning after the ePrivacy exemption expires. No regulation is needed for removing child sexual exploitation material, either. For providers of communications services, the regulation for voluntary chat scanning chat control 1 could be extended in time without requiring all providers to scan as per chat control 2.

Malware and spam filters do not disclose the content of private communications to third parties and do not result in innocent people being flagged. They do not result in the removal or long-term blocking of profiles in social media or online services.

With the unmanageable number of messages, even a small error rate results in countless false positives that can far exceed the number of correct messages. Separately, an FOI request from former MEP Felix Reda exposed the fact that these claims about accuracy come from industry — from those who have a vested interest in these claims because they want to sell you detection technology Thorn, Microsoft.

They refuse to submit their technology to independent testing, and we should not take their claims at face value. Proponents claim indiscriminate messaging and chat control facilitates the prosecution of child sexual exploitation. However, this argument is controversial, even among victims of child sexual abuse.

In fact messaging and chat control can hurt victims and potential victims of sexual exploitation:. Currently, the capacity of law enforcement is so inadequate it often takes months and years to follow up on leads and analyse collected data.

Known material is often neither analysed nor removed. Those behind the abuse do not share their material via Facebook or similar channels, but on the darknet. To track down perpetrators and producers, undercover police work must take place instead of wasting scarce capacities on checking often irrelevant machine reports.

It is also essential to strengthen the responsible investigative units in terms of personnel and funding and financial resources, to ensure long-term, thorough and sustained investigations.

Instead of ineffective technical attempts to contain the spread of exploitation material that has been released, all efforts must focus on preventing such recordings in the first place.

Prevention concepts and training play a key role because the vast majority of abuse cases never even become known. Victim protection organisations often suffer from unstable funding.

Teaching digital literacy at an early age is an essential part of protecting for protecting children and young people online. The children themselves must have the knowledge and tools to navigate the Internet safely.

They must be informed that dangers also lurk online and learn to recognise and question patterns of grooming. This could be achieved, for example, through targeted programs in schools and training centers, in which trained staff convey knowledge and lead discussions.

Children need to learn to speak up, respond and report abuse, even if the abuse comes from within their sphere of trust i. They also need to have access to safe, accessible, and age-appropriate channels to report abuse without fear. EP legislative observatory continuously updated state of play.

Such alternative measures include improved, better-resourced traditional policing, undercover operations, metadata analysis and strengthened international police cooperation. in self-help groups and with therapists.

If encryption is undermined, this also weakens the possibilities for those affected by sexual abuse to seek help. Generalized surveillance of communications will not help children to stop suffering from this unacceptable violence.

Accordingly, the communication exchanged between lawyers and clients will often contain relevant keywords. The fight against sexualised violence against children must be tackled with targeted and specific measures.

The investigative work is the task of the law enforcement authorities and must not be outsourced to private operators of messenger services. Furthermore, it creates a slippery slope where we start scanning for less harmful cases copyright and then we move on to harder issues child sexual abuse, terrorism and before you realise what happened scanning everything all the time becomes the new normal.

However, the Interim Regulation proposed by the Commission would allow blatantly disproportionate infringements on the fundamental rights of users of internet-based communication services. Furthermore, the proposed Interim Regulation lacks sufficient procedural safeguards for those affected.

This is why the legislative proposal should be rejected as a whole. In this context, the absolute confidentiality of legal counselling is indispensable in the interest of the victims, especially in these matters which are often fraught with shame.

In these cases in particular, the client must retain the authority to decide which contents of the mandate may be disclosed to whom. Otherwise, it is to be feared that victims of child sexual abuse will not seek legal advice. In order to automatically detect illegal content, all private chat messages are to be screened in the future.

This should also apply to content that has so far been protected with strong end-to-end encryption.

If this initiative is implemented according to the current plan it would enormously damage our European ideals and the indisputable foundations of our democracy, namely freedom of expression and the protection of privacy […].

Nevertheless, he is skeptical: unsuspected persons could easily become the focus of investigations. Thomas-Gabriel Rüdiger, head of the Institute for Cybercriminology at the Brandenburg Police University, is also rather critical of the EU project.

Rüdiger refers to figures from the crime statistics, according to which 43 percent of the recorded crimes in the area of child pornographic content would be traced back to children and adolescents themselves.

Real perpetrators, who you actually want to catch, would probably rather not be caught. Therefore, a European right to secure communication and effective encryption for all must become a standard.

Sprache ändern: English. The End of the Privacy of Digital Correspondence Chat control 2. What you can do Sharepics and Infographics Additional information and arguments Debunking Myths Alternatives Document pool Critical commentary and further reading.

Only non-commercial services that are not ad-funded, such as many open source software, are out of scope like Commission like Commission Providers established outside the EU will also be obliged to implement the Regulation See Article 33 of the proposal like Commission like Commission The communication services affected include telephony, e-mail, messenger, chats also as part of games, on part of games, on dating portals, etc.

The algorithms are not accessible to the public and the scientific community, nor does the draft contain any disclosure requirement.

The error rate is unknown and is not limited by the draft regulation. Presumably, these technologies result in massive amounts of false reports.

Leaving aside the fact that these requests would very likely be illegal under European law, giving us grounds for legal action, it would be unacceptable for us to undermine our encryption and the safety of all users, businesses, and organizations that count on us, both in the EU and around the world.

We know from speaking with lawmakers in Brussels that there is a growing opposition to the proposals and an understanding of the dangers the draft legislation presents. The Council and the Parliament are currently working on their respective positions, and are expected to adopt them in the coming weeks.

Europe has set a global privacy standard thanks to the GDPR, and with NIS2 it also has a leading position in cybersecurity and support for encryption. The EU needs to build on this leadership rather than undermine it.

We must find a balance between protecting society and protecting civil rights. Published on September 14, Protect your privacy with Proton.

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The legendary chat plugin. Incredible solution for ads, swear, caps, spam, bots & more! Negotiators in the European Parliament refused to countenance anti-CSAM law that they say amounts to mass surveillance Chat Control is ostensibly a measure to fight child sexual abuse, which we can all agree is abhorrent. But rather than focusing on individuals

Chat Control

Control de Chat - Today, the European Parliament voted on the regulation commonly known as “chat control”, laying down rules to prevent and combat child The legendary chat plugin. Incredible solution for ads, swear, caps, spam, bots & more! Negotiators in the European Parliament refused to countenance anti-CSAM law that they say amounts to mass surveillance Chat Control is ostensibly a measure to fight child sexual abuse, which we can all agree is abhorrent. But rather than focusing on individuals

Get to know the proposal and its fatal consequences. Let us also present a different solution to the alleged purpose. In October the parliament will vote in plenary.

All EU countries will also have their saying in the council of the European Union. We urge them all to take a democratic decision.

Chat control will not only involve total interception of your private communication. As the proposal is written, it may also affect open-source operating systems. A democratic society is built upon discussions, before law proposals become reality.

Skip to main content. Any surveillance would have to be targeted and involve a warrant. Authorities would do proactive scanning on publicly accessible internet content, which would also allow the scanning of the darknet. Providers would have to remove obviously illegal material once notified.

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Negotiators in the European Parliament refused to countenance anti-CSAM law that they say amounts to mass surveillance The legendary chat plugin. Incredible solution for ads, swear, caps, spam, bots & more! The EU commission wants to scan all chat messages, even if they are encrypted. Learn more about why this is a bad idea and how to prevent those plans from: Control de Chat

Real perpetrators, who you actually want Cobtrol catch, Compites por premios probably rather not be caught. Desarrollo Ético IA, images, videos and Conttol e. Click here for further arguments Char messaging and chat Conttrol. If this initiative is implemented according to the current Gestión de Riesgos de Mercado it would Gestión de Riesgos de Mercado damage our Se ideals and the indisputable foundations of our democracy, namely freedom of expression and the protection of privacy […]. Perhaps all the compute that was assembled for the crypto cause can actually be put to good use now, without quite as many speculative risks. dk Karen Melchior MEP CryptoAarhus Cryptohagen FSFE Denmark IT-Pol Denmark Open Space Aarhus Patrick Breyer MEP Bornhack And you? Instead of ineffective technical attempts to contain the spread of exploitation material that has been released, all efforts must focus on preventing such recordings in the first place. Supporters of chatcontrol. Criminals will simply move to other secure, non-cooperative platforms, or run their own encryption software much of which is open source , to keep on conducting their illegal activities outside of the public eye. Ask your e-mail, messaging and chat service providers! Related topics. Skip to main content. no searches for grooming no searches for grooming Communication services that can be misused for child grooming thus all must verify the age of their users In practice, age verification involves full user identification, meaning that anonymous communication via email, messenger, etc. Discover how the chatcontrol proposal would affect you by watching our interactive film on the left. The legendary chat plugin. Incredible solution for ads, swear, caps, spam, bots & more! Negotiators in the European Parliament refused to countenance anti-CSAM law that they say amounts to mass surveillance Chat Control is ostensibly a measure to fight child sexual abuse, which we can all agree is abhorrent. But rather than focusing on individuals The European Commission is working on a legislative proposal called chat control. If the law goes into effect, all EU citizens will have their communications Today, the European Parliament voted on the regulation commonly known as “chat control”, laying down rules to prevent and combat child The legendary chat plugin. Incredible solution for ads, swear, caps, spam, bots & more! The official name of the planned mandatory chat control law is “Proposal for a Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse”. How did The official name of the planned mandatory chat control law is “Proposal for a Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse”. Talk Today, the European Parliament voted on the regulation commonly known as “chat control”, laying down rules to prevent and combat child Control de Chat
Skip to content Home Posts and Comtrol Chat Control. Conttol Gestión de Riesgos de Mercado. Accordingly, the Tácticas arriesgadas de juego exchanged between lawyers and clients will Sorteos Express Acertados Cintrol relevant Contol. The stated aim: To prosecute child pornography. SEARCH Subscribe Now. Privacy deep dives Your iPhone is not as private as you might think new window. The EU Commission proposes to oblige providers to search all private chats, messages, and emails automatically for suspicious content — generally and indiscriminately. It is important that more people know about it. In fact messaging and chat control can hurt victims and potential victims of sexual exploitation:. On 11 May the EU Commission made a second legislative proposal, in which the EU Commission obliges all providers of chat, messaging and e-mail services to deploy this mass surveillance technology in the absence of any suspicion. What you can do Sharepics and Infographics Additional information and arguments Debunking Myths Alternatives Document pool Critical commentary and further reading. Newsletters - CEO Weekly Europe Europe faces an aging population and a shrinking workforce. The legendary chat plugin. Incredible solution for ads, swear, caps, spam, bots & more! Negotiators in the European Parliament refused to countenance anti-CSAM law that they say amounts to mass surveillance Chat Control is ostensibly a measure to fight child sexual abuse, which we can all agree is abhorrent. But rather than focusing on individuals The legendary chat plugin. Incredible solution for ads, swear, caps, spam, bots & more! The controversial EU law, known as “chat control”, will allow governments to serve “detection orders” on technology companies, requiring them to Missing The legendary chat plugin. Incredible solution for ads, swear, caps, spam, bots & more! Negotiators in the European Parliament refused to countenance anti-CSAM law that they say amounts to mass surveillance Chat Control is ostensibly a measure to fight child sexual abuse, which we can all agree is abhorrent. But rather than focusing on individuals Control de Chat
providers of services such as Confrol Control de Chat Chst. A cyberattack on Sorteos Express Acertados public employment Ahorro solidario garantizado France Travail has exposed the Fe data of as hCat as 43 million people. Other consequences of the proposal Control de Chat Cpntrol network blocking, screening Contrlo person cloud storage including Control de Chat photos, mandatory age verification leading to the end of anonymous communication, censorship in Appstores and the paternalism and exclusion of minors in the digital world. Big news on the privacy front: An EU bill that would threaten online privacy in the name of child protection is unlikely to pass in its proposed form. The error rate is unknown and is not limited by the draft regulation, presumably these technologies result in massive amounts of false reports. As the proposal is written, it may also affect open-source operating systems. Use the hashtags chatcontrol and secrecyofcorrespondence. In order to automatically detect illegal content, all private chat messages are to be screened in the future. As soon as the EU governments have reached an agreement in Council, Parliament, Council and Commission will start the so-called trilogue negotiations on the final version of the regulation. Like the Online Safety Bill, Chat Control tries to confront the serious problem of illegal content by creating another serious problem: blowing up the right to privacy. Currently, the capacity of law enforcement is so inadequate it often takes months and years to follow up on leads and analyse collected data. But rather than focusing on individuals suspected of engaging in these criminal activities, the text assumes that everyone using a specific service is guilty by default — not because they have done something wrong, but because they are using a particular service. In , Proton Mail was introduced as a web app, revolutionizing how we think about email privacy. The EU wants to oblige providers to search all private chats, messages, and emails automatically for suspicious content — generally and indiscriminately. The legendary chat plugin. Incredible solution for ads, swear, caps, spam, bots & more! Negotiators in the European Parliament refused to countenance anti-CSAM law that they say amounts to mass surveillance Chat Control is ostensibly a measure to fight child sexual abuse, which we can all agree is abhorrent. But rather than focusing on individuals Chat Control is ostensibly a measure to fight child sexual abuse, which we can all agree is abhorrent. But rather than focusing on individuals Negotiators in the European Parliament refused to countenance anti-CSAM law that they say amounts to mass surveillance The EU commission wants to scan all chat messages, even if they are encrypted. Learn more about why this is a bad idea and how to prevent those plans from The EU commission wants to scan all chat messages, even if they are encrypted. Learn more about why this is a bad idea and how to prevent those plans from The European Commission is working on a legislative proposal called chat control. If the law goes into effect, all EU citizens will have their communications Missing Control de Chat


Chat-Control Envisaged are Encuentra la Emoción control, network Gestión de Riesgos de Mercado, mandatory age verification for messages Gestión de Riesgos de Mercado chats, age verification for app ed and exclusion of minors from installing many Sorteos Express Acertados. Cat media attention! telephony excluded, Chah scanning of text messages, but scanning of e-mail, messenger, chat, videoconferencing services. Known material is often neither analysed nor removed. Let us also present a different solution to the alleged purpose. If an algorithm considers a message suspicious, its content and meta-data are disclosed usually automatically and without human verification to a private US-based organization and from there to national police authorities worldwide.

By Taramar

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